Legal Entities at Cross River Bank

Details about Legal Entity support at Cross River Bank

Modern Treasury integrates with Cross River Bank's Customer Management APIs. This guide describes capabilities and limitations of sending Legal Entity data to Cross River Bank.

Note: This is not supported in our sandbox environment

Required Fields

Risk RatingOne of: low, medium, high.

Maps to risk_rating on Legal Entity. Default value: low will be sent to Cross River if not set.
Address ClassificationMaps from the first value of address_types on Legal Entity Address. Maps to CRB Address Classification as follows:
residential -> Residential
business -> Business
po_box -> PoBox
other -> Other
mailing -> Other

Currently these values at CRB are not supported: Rural, Military.
Address TypeMaps from the first value of address_types on Legal Entity Address. Maps to CRB Address Type as follows:
residential -> Home
business -> Work
po_box -> Other
other -> Other
mailing -> Other

Other Supported Fields

Modern Treasury supports additional fields through the bank_settings and wealth_and_employment_details fields on the Legal Entity model.


Field NameDescription
enable_backup_withholdingWhether backup withholding is enabled. See more here -
backup_withholding_percentageThe percentage of backup withholding to apply to the legal entity.
privacy_opt_outCross River Bank specific setting to opt out of privacy policy.
regulation_oIt covers, among other types of insider loans, extensions of credit by a member bank to an executive officer, director, or principal shareholder of the member bank; a bank holding company of which the member bank is a subsidiary; and any other subsidiary of that bank holding company.


Field NameDescription
employment_statusThe employment status of the individual.

Possible values: employed, retired, self_employed, student, unemployed
occupationThe occupation of the individual's employment.

Possible values: consulting, executive, finance_accounting, food_services, government, healthcare, legal_services, manufacturing, other, sales, science_engineering, technology
industryThe industry of the individual's employment.

Possible values: accounting, agriculture, automotive, chemical_manufacturing, construction, educational_medical, food_service, finance, gasoline, health_stores, laundry, maintenance, manufacturing, merchant_wholesale, mining, performing_arts, professional_non_legal, public_administration, publishing, real_estate, recreation_gambling, religious_charity, rental_services, retail_clothing, retail_electronics, retail_food, retail_furnishing, retail_home, retail_non_store, retail_sporting, transportation, travel, utilities
income_sourceThe source of the individual's income.

Possible values: family_support, government_benefits, inheritance, investments, rental_income, retirement, salary, self_employed
income_stateThe state in which the individual's income is earned.
income_countryThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code in which the individual's income is earned.
employer_nameThe name of the employer.
employer_stateThe state in which the employer is located.
employer_countryThe ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code in which the employer is located.
source_of_fundsThe source of the individual's funds.

Possible values: alimony, annuity, business_owner, general_employee, government_benefits, homemaker, inheritance_gift, investment, legal_settlement, lottery, real_estate, retired, retirement, salary, self_employed, senior_executive, trust_income
wealth_sourceThe source of the individual's wealth.

Possible values: business_sale, family_support, government_benefits, inheritance, investments, other, rental_income, retirement, salary, self_employed
annual_incomeThe annual income of the individual.

Field Support Exceptions

Modern Treasury supports accepting most required and conditional fields by Cross River Bank, with the exception of the following fields:


TypeFields Not Supported
IdentificationsITIN, Driver's License, and ID card


TypeFields Not Supported
ClassificationFields used to classify a business, such as NAICS code or merchant category code

Workflow Support Exceptions

StatusModern Treasury does not support passing back information about various statuses at Cross River Bank, including the status, OFAC, pepScan, and internalList fields. These fields may be set during customer onboarding or later.
UpdatesModern Treasury currently does not support updates of entity information.