Legal Entities at Cross River Bank

Details about Legal Entity support at Cross River Bank

Modern Treasury integrates with Cross River Bank's Customer Management APIs. This guide describes capabilities and limitations of sending Legal Entity data to Cross River Bank.

Field Support Exceptions

Modern Treasury supports accepting most required and conditional fields by Cross River Bank, with the exception of the following fields:


TypeFields Not Supported
IdentificationsITIN, Driver's License, and ID card
EmploymentFields related to employment, such as employment status, occupation, industry, employer, and employer location
IncomeFields related to income, such as income source, income location, and annual income
WealthFields related to wealth, such as wealth source and description
OtherSource of Funds


TypeFields Not Supported
ClassificationFields used to classify a business, such as NAICS code or merchant category code


TypeFields Not Supported
Risk RatingRisk rating

Workflow Support Exceptions

StatusModern Treasury does not support passing back information about various statuses at Cross River Bank, including the status, OFAC, pepScan, and internalList fields. These fields may be set during customer onboarding or later.
UpdatesModern Treasury currently does not support updates of entity information.