A legal_entity
is a person or business with distinct legal rights. Legal Entities can be associated with Counterparties and Internal Accounts.
Attribute | Description |
id string | Unique identifier for the Legal Entity. |
legal_entity_type string | Type of Legal Entity. One of: individual or business . |
risk_rating string | Risk rating of the Legal Entity. One of: low , medium , or high . |
first_name string | Legal first name of an individual . |
last_name string | Legal last name of an individual . |
date_of_birth string | Date of birth of an individual .Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
date_formed string | Date of formation of a business .Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
business_name string | Legal name of the business . |
doing_business_as_names array string | List of doing business as names for a business . |
legal_structure string | Legal structure of the business .One of corporation , llc , non_profit , partnership , sole_proprietorship , trust . |
identifications array object | An array of Identifications used for Tax IDs, legal entity IDs and other identification numbers. |
phone_numbers array object | An array of phone numbers in E.164 format. e.g. [{phone_number: "+12061111111"}] |
email string | Email address of the Legal Entity. |
addresses array object | An array of Legal Entity Addresses. |
website string | Website of the business . |
metadata object | Additional data represented as key-value pairs. Both the key and value must be strings. See Metadata. |
live_mode boolean | This field will be true if this object was created with a production API key or false if created with a test API key. |
"id": "8425ab9c-725f-4ef1-8102-a582926e753b",
"object": "legal_entity",
"live_mode": true,
"legal_entity_type": "individual",
"risk_rating": "low",
"first_name": "Mauricio",
"last_name": "Beer",
"date_of_birth": "1980-06-07",
"date_formed": null,
"business_name": null,
"doing_business_as_names": [],
"legal_structure": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"website": null,
"phone_numbers": [
"phone_number": "+12061111111"
"addresses": [
"id": "03af94a0-7f32-46a5-ae29-2b5769d5843f",
"object": "legal_entity_address",
"live_mode": true,
"address_types": [],
"line1": "119 5th Ave",
"line2": "Suite 600",
"locality": "New York",
"region": "NY",
"postal_code": "10003",
"country": "US",
"primary": true,
"discarded_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-02-05T17:33:51Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-05T17:33:51Z"
"identifications": [
"id": "ae02f9c1-c5d1-4bfd-9712-8df10885defa",
"object": "identification",
"live_mode": true,
"id_type": "us_ssn",
"issuing_country": "US",
"discarded_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-02-05T17:42:33Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-05T17:42:33Z"
"metadata": {},
"discarded_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-02-05T17:42:33Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-05T17:42:33Z"
"id": "8555c38f-8906-4390-844e-1e9997009313",
"object": "legal_entity",
"live_mode": true,
"legal_entity_type": "business",
"risk_rating": "low",
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"date_of_birth": null,
"date_formed": "2001-06-07",
"business_name": "Business Name",
"doing_business_as_names": ["DBA"],
"legal_structure": ["corporation"],
"email": "[email protected]",
"website": "http://www.example.com",
"phone_numbers": [
"phone_number": "+97213859098921"
"addresses": [
"id": "03af94a0-7f32-46a5-ae29-2b5769d5843f",
"object": "legal_entity_address",
"live_mode": true,
"address_types": [],
"line1": "119 5th Ave",
"line2": "Suite 600",
"locality": "New York",
"region": "NY",
"postal_code": "10003",
"country": "US",
"primary": true,
"discarded_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-02-05T17:33:51Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-05T17:33:51Z"
"identifications": [
"id": "bc6b5ad1-1313-4d5e-b720-0deb99889832",
"object": "identification",
"live_mode": true,
"id_type": "us_ein",
"issuing_country": "US",
"discarded_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-02-05T17:33:51Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-05T17:33:51Z"
"metadata": {},
"discarded_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-02-05T17:33:51Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-05T17:33:51Z"