A counterparty
is an entity outside of your organization that you want to send or receive money from. They can be an individual or a business.
Attribute | Description |
id string | Unique identifier for the counterparty. |
name string | A human friendly name for this counterparty. |
accounts array | The accounts for this counterparty. See Account for additional details. |
email string | The counterparty's email. |
taxpayer_identifier string | Valid tax payer ID for counterparty's region. Note that this is currently not returned in API responses. |
metadata object | Additional data represented as key-value pairs. Both the key and value must be strings. See Metadata. |
send_remittance_advice boolean | Send an email to the counterparty whenever an associated payment order is sent to the bank. |
ledger_type string | One of customer or vendor . This counterparty will be auto-synced to your accounting system as the specified type. This requires a connected accounting system and for the auto-sync counterparties setting to be enabled. Note that this field enables integration with an external accounting system, rather than with Modern Treasury Ledgers objects. |
live_mode boolean | This field will be true if this object was created with a production API key or false if created with a test API key. |
"id": "928db55e-6552-4aaf-96d7-10c693922b1f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": "abby@marquardtschuppe.net",
"send_remittance_advice": true,
"metadata": {},
"accounts": [
"id": "c8d059bc-e781-4528-9359-d46eaaa7f953",
"account_type": null,
"party_name": "John Smith",
"party_type": "business",
"party_address": null,
"account_details": [
"id": "3036a533-53ad-4e58-ba30-33c4d75c0c57",
"account_number_safe": "1291",
"account_number_type": null,
"live_mode": true
"routing_details": [
"id": "e8626e0b-2687-4b0d-9f2c-68a4c29ee5f1",
"payment_type": null,
"routing_number": "121141822",
"routing_number_type": "aba",
"live_mode": true
"live_mode": true
"live_mode": true,
"created_at": "2019-11-09T00:11:07Z",
"updated_at": "2019-11-09T00:11:07Z"