An invoice
represents a list of goods sent or services provided by a business along with a statement of the amount due for these goods and services. Typically, a business's accounts receivable (AR) refer to the outstanding invoices that a company has or the money that counterparties owe the company.
Attribute | Description |
id string | Unique identifier for the invoice. |
contact_details array of objects | The business contact details (email, phone number, and/or website) of the entity creating the invoice. |
counterparty_id string | The ID of the counterparty receiving the invoice. |
counterparty_billing_address object | The billing address of the counterparty or null. |
counterparty_shipping_address object | The shipping address of the counterparty where physical goods should be delivered or null. |
currency string | Currency that the invoice is denominated in. |
description string | An optional free-form description of the invoice. |
due_date datetime | A date by when the invoice needs to be paid. |
hosted_url string | The URL of the hosted web UI where the invoice can be viewed. |
invoicer_address object | Business address of the entity creating the invoice or null. |
number string | A unique record number assigned to each invoice that is issued. |
originating_account_id string | The ID of the internal account the invoice should be paid to. |
virtual_account_id string | The ID of the virtual account the invoice should be paid to. The virtual account routing and accounts numbers will be shown on the invoice in place of the internal account information. |
payment_orders array of objects | The payment orders created for paying the invoice through the invoice payment UI. |
expected_payments array of objects | The Expected Payments created for the invoice upon entering the unpaid state. |
pdf_url string | The URL where the invoice PDF can be downloaded. |
status string | One of draft , unpaid , payment_pending , paid , or voided . |
total_amount int32 | Total amount due in specified currency's smallest unit, e.g. $10 USD would be represented as 1000. |
payment_method string | When opening an invoice, whether to show the embedded payment UI, automatically create a payment or rely on manual payment from the recipient. One of ui ,automatic , or manual |
payment_effective_date date | When payment method is automatic :Date transactions are to be posted to the participants’ account. Defaults to the current business day or the next business day if the current day is a bank holiday or weekend. |
remind_after_overdue_days array of ints | A list of days after the due date on which overdue reminder emails should be sent. Maximum length of 3, and maximum value of 365, email notifications must be enabled |
receiving_account_id string | When payment method is automatic :The receiving account ID for automatic payments. Can be an external account. |
payment_type string | When payment method is automatic :Payment type for generated automatic payment. One of ach or eft |
ledger_account_settlement_id string | Ledger account settlement identifier for a ledger account settlement that will automatically update with the Invoice’s status |
ingest_ledger_entries boolean | Whether to ingest the ledger_entries to populate the invoice line items. If this is false, then a line item must be provided. If this is true, line_items must be empty. Ignored if ledger_account_settlement_id is empty. |
metadata object | Additional data represented as key-value pairs. Both the key and the value must be strings. See Metadata. |
"id": "e120c37a-83eb-4b31-bf49-868d0110cdaf",
"object": "invoice",
"live_mode": true,
"currency": "USD",
"payment_method": "automatic",
"payment_effective_date": "2023-03-23",
"payment_type": "ach",
"description": "Invoice for goods and services provided",
"total_amount": 0,
"number": "2023-00001",
"status": "draft",
"counterparty_id": "60df9366-c98e-4be9-a1af-163e792331cd",
"due_date": "2023-02-19T16:25:12Z",
"hosted_url": "",
"pdf_url": null,
"remind_after_overdue_days": null,
"invoicer_address": {
"id": "32fdb378-2a26-4b3c-8fe0-037932e07b4c",
"object": "address",
"live_mode": true,
"line1": "680 Darron Flats",
"line2": null,
"locality": "Lake Boville",
"region": "WV",
"postal_code": "36045-2227",
"country": "US",
"created_at": "2023-01-20T16:25:12Z",
"updated_at": "2023-01-20T16:25:12Z"
"contact_details": [
"contact_identifier": "[email protected]",
"contact_identifier_type": "email",
"contact_identifier": "",
"contact_identifier_type": "website",
"metadata": {},
"counterparty_billing_address": null,
"counterparty_shipping_address": null,
"ledger_account_settlement_id": null,
"ingest_ledger_entries": false,
"originating_account_id": "071f206e-4f79-424c-9e53-0c6a3366277d",
"payment_orders": [],
"created_at": "2023-01-20T16:25:12Z",
"updated_at": "2023-01-20T16:25:12Z"