Account Details

An account_detail object represents all account numbers related to a specific bank account. Often bank accounts will only have a single number but having multiple is more common outside the United States. For example in some countries, the IBAN is used for international routing but domestic payments will use a separate unformatted account number. Modern Treasury allows you to provide both account numbers and our software will choose the correct one in all cases.

The last four digits of the account number for the bank account.
Bank account numbers are sensitive information and are not included in API responses by default. Modern Treasury advises using the account_number_safe field instead. Learn more about changing your settings here.
One of the below account_number_type values.

Use other if the bank account number is in a generic format.
This field will be true if this object was created with a production API key or false if created with a test API key.

Here are the Account Number Types we support at MT. Make sure you're using the right account_number_type based on the locations of the both accounts and what's needed by the payment_type.

au_numberAustralia12-15 digits
First 3 - Bank Code
Next 3 - Branch Code
Last 6-9 - Account Number
clabeMexico18 digits
First 3 - Bank Code
Next 3 - Branch Code
Next 11 - Account number
Last 1 - Control Digit
hk_numberHong KongXXXXXX-YYY
X is the base account number
5-6 digits long
Y is the account suffix
1-3 digits long

Note: Only use this when you have a suffix,
otherwise use other
ibanAny (IBAN)Upto 34 letters depending on country
First 2 - ISO 2 letter country code
Next 2 - Check Digits
Rest - Basic Bank Account Number
id_numberIndonesia6-16 Digits
nz_numberNew Zealand15-16 Digits
(Combined Routing&Account Number)
First 2 - Bank Code
Next 4 - Branch Code
Next 7 - Account Number
Rest - Account Number Suffix
otherAny (Generic)Only Digits
panAny (Cards) 12-19 Digits
Generally 16 Digits
sg_numberSingapore6-34 Digits
wallet_addressAny (Wallet)Wallet Provider Specific Format
  "id": "f3552822-38f5-4dd5-aa10-a5a2fce00ed6",
  "object": "account_detail",
  "account_number_safe": "0934",
  "account_number_type": "other",
  "live_mode": true,
  "created_at": "2019-11-09T00:11:07Z",
  "updated_at": "2019-11-09T00:11:07Z"