Foreign Exchange Rates

The foreign_exchange_rate object is how Modern Treasury represents exchange rate information between two currencies with high precision. The rate itself is not a resource that can be queried for, but will serialized as part of the object it applies to.

base_amountintegerAmount in the lowest denomination of the base_currency to convert, often called the "sell" amount.
ISO 4217
Currency to convert, often called the "sell" currency.
exponentintegerThe exponent component of the rate. The decimal is calculated as value / (10 ^ exponent)
rate_stringstringA string representation of the rate, e.g. "1.234"
target_amountintegerAmount in the lowest denomination of the target_currency, often called the "buy" amount.
ISO 4217
Currency to convert the base_currency to, often called the "buy" currency.
valueintegerThe whole number component of the rate. The decimal is calculated as value / (10 ^ exponent)