Event | Description |
created | A paper item has been created. |
tentatively_reconciled | The paper item has been tentatively reconciled to a pending transaction. The reconciled pending transaction ID will be included in the response. See the guide for more information. Does not change the paper item's state. |
reconciled | A paper item has been reconciled to a posted transaction. In most cases, you will get this at the same time as the completed webhook. However, there is a case where you only receive the reconciled webhook. This would occur if you received a return for the paper item before the transaction posted. In this case, we don't send the completed webhook since the paper item will be in the terminal returned state. |
completed | A paper item has been reconciled with a transaction. |
returned | A paper item has been returned. This would happen if you receive a return for a paper item. |
unreconciled | A paper item has been unreconciled from a transaction. |
"event": "created",
"data": {
"account_number_safe": "2223",
"amount": 9900,
"check_number": "11",
"created_at": "2019-12-12T22:34:59Z",
"currency": "USD",
"deposit_date": "2019-12-12",
"id": "9e5c22be-2145-4da4-963f-b0434765d18f",
"lockbox_number": "12345",
"memo_field": "Christmas Tip",
"object": "paper_item",
"remitter_name": "Cristina Angela",
"routing_number": "021000021",
"status": "pending",
"transaction_id": null,
"transaction_line_item_id": null,
"updated_at": "2019-12-12T22:34:59Z"