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Release Notes
Release Notes
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Payments Overview
Payments Quickstart
Banks and Money Movement Connections
Pre-Built UIs for Payments
Account Collection
Payment Flow
Hosted Counterparty Invitation
Initiate a payment using pre-built UI
Hosted Invoices
Remove Modern Treasury branding
Internal Accounts
Internal Accounts Overview
Connect your bank account
Penny test your Internal Account
Intraday vs Prior-Day Reporting
Processing Windows
Account Groups Overview
Create an Account Group
Download outbound bank files
Counterparties Overview
Create a Counterparty
Create Counterparties in Bulk
Legal Entities
Legal Entities Overview
Create a Legal Entity
Update a Legal Entity
Share Legal Entity Data with Banks
Legal Entities at Cross River Bank
Legal Entities at Column
Bank Accounts
Bank Account Collection Overview
Counterparty Invitation Overview
Add an External Account
Bank Account Verification Overview
Verify account with micro-deposits
Instant Micro-Deposits
Verify account using Plaid
Verify an account using a pre-note
Payment Orders
Payment Orders Overview
Payment Order Statuses
Payment Order Debits vs Credits
Payment Order Management
Create a Payment Order
Create Payment Orders in Bulk
Cancel a Payment Order
Schedule a payment
Audit a Payment Order
Returns Overview
Receiving a Return
Originating a Return
Return Statuses
Local payment rails
Originate an ACH credit
Customize SEC codes
Originate an ACH return
Reverse an ACH payment
Originate an ACH prenotification (prenote)
ACH Returns
ACH Return Risk Thresholds
Notification of Change (NOC)
Originate a wire transfer
Originate a wire return
Originate an international wire with true remitter data
Set up check print
Send a check with an attachment
Check statuses with Lob
Real-Time Payment (RTP)
Originate a Real-Time Payment (RTP)
Automatic Retries for RTP
Originate a Request for Payment (RFP)
Originate a ProvXchange payment
ProvXchange payments in sandbox
Canadian EFT
Originate a Canadian EFT payment
Interac e-Transfer
Originate an Interac e-Transfer
Other Payment Workflows
Choose the right payment rail
Send payment to brokerage
Cross-Border payment rails
Use foreign currency accounts
SWIFT wires
Originate a SWIFT wire
Customize a SWIFT wire
SWIFT wires FAQs
Originate a Global ACH payment
Foreign Exchange (FX)
Foreign Exchange (FX) Overview
Foreign Exchange Rate
Foreign Exchange Quotes
Create a Foreign Exchange (FX) Quote
Approval Rules
Approval Rules Overview
Approval Rules for Administrators
Create an Approval Rule
Change Approval Rule Sequence
Approval Rules for Reviewers
Approval Reviews
Approval Notifications
Create an invoice
Update a draft invoice
Create Invoices in Bulk
Invoice Notifications
Enable notifications for an invoice
Invoice Payments
Mapping payment objects and invoices
Hosted Invoice Links
Payments Sandbox Overview
Internal Accounts
Simulate a Return
Simulate an Incoming Payment Detail
Simulate a Payment Order Failure
Simulate Bank Transactions
Overview of invoice notification emails, the types of notifications, and the events that trigger them