Ledgers Objects

This guide introduces the four core objects in the Ledgers API and how they relate to each other.

When getting started with Ledgers it is helpful to understand the broad concepts behind how the API is organized. Ledgers has a simple data structure built around four core objects.

The ledger object represents your entire product ledger. Nested within your larger ledger object are ledger accounts. These are the balances your platform will track.

Also nested within your ledger object are ledger transaction objects. These are financial events that happen on your platform. ledger transaction objects are composed of at least two ledger entry objects. Such entries obey debit and credit rules. Each ledger entry will update a single ledger account.

Ledgers supports any currency, including crypto, as well as values that behave like currency (rewards, points, etc.).


Ledgers also features account category objects, which are aggregations of ledger accounts or other categories. Read more about categories here.

Next steps

  • Review our Guide to Debits and Credits for a brief introduction to the accounting principles you need to know to get started with Ledgers.
  • Explore use cases with our Use Case Guides.
  • Explore sample API calls by use case in our Quickstart Guides.