Ledger Currencies

Overview of ledger currencies


You can use Ledgers to record user balances no matter what currency your users transact in.

Each ledger account object can record transactions and balances in a single currency, which you can define upon creating the account. If your application uses multiple different currencies, you can use multiple accounts to track user balances, one for each currency.

Using a Predefined Currency

When creating a Ledger Account, you can specify the currency of the account using the currency field. This field can accept any ISO-4217 currency code.

For example, I can create an account tracking my user balances in dollars:

curl --request POST \
     --url https://app.moderntreasury.com/api/ledger_accounts \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "name": "USD Account",
     "currency": "USD",
     "normal_balance": "credit",
     "ledger_id": "937011e5-7262-45af-9d05-9ff8b70acdaa"

When I create Ledger Transactions in this ledger, I need to specify the amount on ledger entries in the smallest unit of my currency for the ledger account being transacted on. In the case of dollars, this smallest unit is cents. A Ledger Entry with an amount of 1000 would represent $10.00.

Using a Custom Currency

Many applications need to immutably record double-entry transactions in currencies not supported by ISO-4217, like rewards points. Ledger Accounts can record transactions in any custom currency including user credits, rewards points, air miles, or cryptocurrencies.

To create a Ledger Account with a custom currency, you can use a custom currency value and specify a currency_exponent when creating a Ledger Account object. currency_exponent cannot exceed 30.

For example, Ether (the cryptocurrency that powers the Ethereum network) has a smallest denomination of 1*10^-18 Ether. You can create a new Ledger Account with a custom value for currency and a currency_exponent of 18.

curl --request POST \
     --url https://app.moderntreasury.com/api/ledgers \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "name": "ETH Account",
     "currency": "ETH",
     "normal_balance": "credit",
     "ledger_id": "937011e5-7262-45af-9d05-9ff8b70acdaa",
     "currency_exponent": 18

Any subsequent entries written to this ledger account can now be denominated in Ether's smallest unit. A Ledger Entry with an amount of 3000000000000000000 would be recorded as 3 Ether.