Risk Dashboard Overview

Learn about the Risk Dashboard

In Modern Treasury's risk dashboard, you can configure the system and view risk scoring activity.

With the rule engine and blocklist / allowlist, you can precisely determine how various signals affect the risk level of customer onboarding and transaction monitoring decisions.

Depending on the risk level of a User Onboarding or Payment Order and your scoring settingsthe associated Decision may be automatically approved, automatically denied, or have a Case created for manual review.

In Modern Treasury's risk dashboard, you can review the cases, upload documents, and leave comments. Once a case is reviewed, the related objects will have a status of approved or denied. You can provide feedback on false positive (e.g. overturning a denied decision) or false negative (e.g. fraud resulting in ACH returns) decisions; this data is helpful for tuning the system.

With these controls, you can operationalize your fraud and compliance program. Modern Treasury works with customers on automation, which can reduce operational costs, improve consistency of decisioning, and improve customer conversion. Modern Treasury also works with customers to reduce fraud and false positives, both of which can negatively impact your business.