Preview Reconciliation Rules

Test reconciliation rules before making changes

Reconciliation rule previews help you understand the potential impact of changes to reconciliation rules without affecting production results.

From the Reconciliation Rules page, you can make one or more changes your rules, for example, adding new rules, changing rule priority or conditions, or deactivating rules. From here, you can preview, save, or cancel the changes.

You can select the date range of the transactions analyzed in the preview. Currently, only the latest 250 transactions are evaluated, which helps the previews run quickly. In the future, Modern Treasury is considering allowing you to pick a specific account, as well as expand the number of transactions.

You can understand the performance of your proposed rules using statistics as well as the underlying data. The statistics include the match rate, which is the percentage of transactions reconciled by the proposed rules. You can also view a table with the raw transaction data. You can filter the data by status and reconciliation rule to find interesting transactions, for example:

  • New matches: Transactions reconciled by the proposed rules and not by the current rules are likely intended improvements to reconciliation (except in the case of false positives).
  • Lost matches: Transactions reconciled by the current rules but not reconciled by the proposed rules are likely unintended regressions (except in the case of reducing false positives).
  • Unreconciled items: Transactions not reconciled by the current or proposed rules are interesting examples to look at for future automation opportunities.

In the future, Modern Treasury is considering improving the functionality so that you can view data about Expected Payments, compare the match rate of current rules to proposed rules, and track error rate.

If you choose to save the rule changes, future reconciliation attempts will use the new rules. This includes any new transactions. Additionally, all unreconciled transactions in the selected date range of the preview will also be immediately scheduled for reconciliation. If you have old transactions that are outside of the range of the preview and more than two days old, they will not reconcile; Modern Treasury is working to improve this behavior so that you can achieve complete reconciliation.