Compliance Overview

Overview of Modern Treasury's compliance and fraud tools

Modern Treasury provides a set of tools to help you manage your risk program to reduce fraud and stay in compliance with BSA / AML regulation: KYC / KYB, bank account validation, and transaction monitoring.

These products are tightly integrated with Modern Treasury's payments operating system. As a result, your engineering team can spend less time building and maintaining integrations with disparate vendors and your risk team can have a single pane of glass view into all data.

These features can also be used independently from each other. For example, you can easily perform transaction monitoring but not KYC / KYB. In this way, you can easily augment your existing solutions or stand up a new one.

Modern Treasury can help you manage fraud and AML decisioning to suit your risk tolerance. Decisions can be made automatically, reducing operational costs and improving consistency. Decisions can also be made manually using case management tools, complete with alerting, document uploads, and audit trails.

Get started now with our Compliance Quickstart guide or explore more features of Compliance such as Customer Onboarding, Bank Account Verification, Transaction Monitoring, and Case Management.