Customize KYB checks

Customize the data collected and KYC checks performed during user onboarding

The KYC checks performed by Modern Treasury are configured in the associated "flow" used when creating a new instance of User Onboarding. Each instance of User Onboarding can use a different flow, allowing you to perform different KYC checks in different scenarios as needed. The following guide walks you through how to create and use a new flow.

1. Create new flow

When logged into your dashboard, navigate to the flows section of the Compliance tab. Click the "Create Verification Flow" dropdown, and select "Business". This will take you to a form for creating a new flow.

2. Name the flow

Add a name to the flow such as "Basic Checks" or "TIN Only." The name will be used to generate a flow_alias, which is used later when creating user onboardings.

3. Select checks

Under the "Checks" section, select the checks to be completed. As you modify the selection of checks to be done, you will notice the "Collected Data" section update accordingly. The table below describes supported KYB checks and the information required for each check.

CheckRequired FieldsOptional Fields
IdentityBusiness name, address.Phone, website, taxpayer identifier.
Beneficial OwnersName, date of birth, address.Phone, email.

You can also configure ongoing watchlist monitoring for the business and beneficial owners.

4. Customize collected data

Based on your selected checks above, you can specify whether to collect data or not. For some attributes, you may also specify it as optional or required. Note that you will not be able to deselect data required for previously selected checks.

5. Create flow

When finished, click the "Create" button to save the new flow.

6. Use new flow alias in user onboarding

You will be redirect to a details page for the new flow. Now when creating a new user onboarding, specify the flow_alias listed on this page. The user onboarding will now collect the data and perform the checks selected in the custom flow.